A hand-crafted, grain-free recipe specifically formulated for wise woofers, this tasty senior dog food supper is made with freshly prepared turkey, fruit and veg and our botanical blend.
Nutritionally complete, there’s a delicious array of carefully selected ingredients in there to fuel them to live their best lives. We add Green Lipped Mussel - and natural prebiotics (to help encourage healthy digestion). An extra lap in the park? Easy.
- Made with proper meat and offal
- Made with natural ingredients
- Complete and balanced
- Grain-free recipe*
- For adult dogs from 8 years+
- Feed in line with our feeding guidelines
*Made in a factory that handles grains so traces may be present.
You may notice some small changes to the packaging label in how the information is displayed. This is to ensure that our packs are appropriate for all of our customers overseas. Rest assured, they still contain the same recipes your dog knows and loves. Note that over the next few months, as we move over to the new packaging, you may receive a mixture of different packs. Please bear with us!
Nutritionally complete, there’s a delicious array of carefully selected ingredients in there to fuel them to live their best lives. We add Green Lipped Mussel - and natural prebiotics (to help encourage healthy digestion). An extra lap in the park? Easy.
Made with proper meat and offal
Made with natural ingredients
Complete and balanced
Grain-free recipe*
For adult dogs from 8 years+
Feed in line with our feeding guidelines
*Made in a factory that handles grains so traces may be present.
You may notice some small changes to the packaging label in how the information is displayed. This is to ensure that our packs are appropriate for all of our customers overseas. Rest assured, they still contain the same recipes your dog knows and loves. Note that over the next few months, as we move over to the new packaging, you may receive a mixture of different packs. Please bear with us!